what did republican rutherford b. hayes promise in order to win the election of 1876?

23rd quadrennial U.S. presidential election

1876 United States presidential election

← 1872 November 7, 1876 (1876-11-07) 1880 →

369 members of the Electoral College
185 electoral votes needed to win
Turnout 81.8%[1] Increase x.five pp
President Rutherford Hayes 1870 - 1880 Restored (cropped).jpg SamuelJonesTilden.jpg
Nominee Rutherford B. Hayes Samuel J. Tilden
Party Republican Democratic
Home country Ohio New York
Running mate William A. Wheeler Thomas A. Hendricks
Electoral vote 185 184
States carried 21 17
Popular vote 4,034,142 4,286,808
Per centum 47.9% 50.nine%

1876 United States presidential election in California 1876 United States presidential election in Oregon 1876 United States presidential election in Nevada 1876 United States presidential election in Colorado 1876 United States presidential election in Nebraska 1876 United States presidential election in Kansas 1876 United States presidential election in Texas 1876 United States presidential election in Minnesota 1876 United States presidential election in Iowa 1876 United States presidential election in Missouri 1876 United States presidential election in Arkansas 1876 United States presidential election in Louisiana 1876 United States presidential election in Wisconsin 1876 United States presidential election in Illinois 1876 United States presidential election in Michigan 1876 United States presidential election in Indiana 1876 United States presidential election in Ohio 1876 United States presidential election in Kentucky 1876 United States presidential election in Tennessee 1876 United States presidential election in Mississippi 1876 United States presidential election in Alabama 1876 United States presidential election in Georgia 1876 United States presidential election in Florida 1876 United States presidential election in South Carolina 1876 United States presidential election in North Carolina 1876 United States presidential election in Virginia 1876 United States presidential election in West Virginia 1876 United States presidential election in Maryland 1876 United States presidential election in Delaware 1876 United States presidential election in Pennsylvania 1876 United States presidential election in New Jersey 1876 United States presidential election in New York 1876 United States presidential election in Connecticut 1876 United States presidential election in Rhode Island 1876 United States presidential election in Maryland 1876 United States presidential election in Vermont 1876 United States presidential election in New Hampshire 1876 United States presidential election in Maine 1876 United States presidential election in Massachusetts 1876 United States presidential election in Maryland 1876 United States presidential election in Delaware 1876 United States presidential election in New Jersey 1876 United States presidential election in Connecticut 1876 United States presidential election in Rhode Island 1876 United States presidential election in Massachusetts 1876 United States presidential election in Vermont 1876 United States presidential election in New Hampshire


About this image

Presidential election results map. Red denotes states won by Hayes/Wheeler, blue denotes those won past Tilden/Hendricks. Numbers indicate the number of electoral votes allotted to each state.

President earlier election

Ulysses S. Grant

Elected President

Rutherford B. Hayes
via Electoral Committee

The 1876 United States presidential election was the 23rd quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, Nov 7, 1876 in which Republican nominee Rutherford B. Hayes faced Democrat Samuel J. Tilden. It was i of the most contentious presidential elections in American history. Its resolution involved negotiations and compromise betwixt the Republicans and the Democrats.

After U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant declined to seek a third term despite previously being expected to do then, U.S. Representative James G. Blaine emerged as the frontrunner for the Republican nomination. Notwithstanding, Blaine was unable to win a majority at the 1876 Republican National Convention, which settled on Governor Hayes of Ohio as a compromise candidate.

The 1876 Autonomous National Convention nominated Governor Tilden of New York on the second ballot.

The results of the election remain among the most disputed e'er. Although it is non disputed that Tilden outpolled Hayes in the popular vote, in that location were wide allegations of electoral fraud, election violence, and other disfranchisement of predominately-Republican black voters. After a first count of votes, Tilden had won 184 electoral votes to Hayes'south 165, with twenty votes from 4 states unresolved. In Florida, Louisiana, and Due south Carolina, both parties reported their candidate to have won the state. In Oregon, one elector was replaced after being declared illegal for having been an "elected or appointed official."[ citation needed ] The question of who should have been awarded those electoral votes is the source of the continued controversy.

An breezy deal was struck to resolve the votes.This caused The Compromise of 1877. This fabricated the Democrats give all 20 contested elctoral votes to Hayes. In return for the Democrats conceding all contested elctoral votes, the Republicans agreed to withdraw federal troops from the South and this caused the end of reconstruction.

The 1876 election is the second of five presidential elections in which the person who won the nigh pop votes did not win the election, only it was the only such election in which the popular vote winner received an absolute majority, rather than merely a plurality, of the pop vote. To date, it remains the ballot that recorded the smallest electoral vote victory (185–184) and the election that yielded the highest voter turnout of the eligible voting-historic period population in American history, at 81.viii%.[1] [two]

Despite not condign president, Tilden was the first Autonomous presidential nominee since James Buchanan in 1856 to win the popular vote and the start since Franklin Pierce in 1852 to exercise so with an outright bulk (in fact, Tilden received a slightly higher percentage than Pierce in 1852 although Pierce had won in a landslide against the Whig Winfield Scott).

Nominations [edit]

Republican Party nomination [edit]

1876 Republican Party ticket
Rutherford B. Hayes William A. Wheeler
for President for Vice President

President Rutherford Hayes 1870 - 1880 Restored (cropped).jpg

19 William Wheeler 3x4.jpg

29th & 32nd
Governor of Ohio
(1868–1872 & 1876–1877)
U.S. Representative
for New York's 19th
(1861–1863 & 1869–1877)

It was widely assumed during the twelvemonth 1875 that incumbent President Ulysses S. Grant would run for a 3rd term as president despite the poor economic weather condition, the numerous political scandals that had adult since he assumed office in 1869, and a longstanding tradition fix past George Washington not to stay in office for more than than two terms. Grant's inner circumvolve brash him to go for a third term and he virtually did so, merely on 15 December 1875, the Business firm, past a sweeping 233-eighteen vote, passed a resolution declaring that the ii-term tradition was to prevent a dictatorship.[5] Later that twelvemonth, Grant ruled himself out of running in 1876. He instead tried to persuade Secretarial assistant of State Hamilton Fish to run for the presidency, just the 67-year-sometime Fish declined since believed himself too quondam for that role. Grant still sent a letter to the convention imploring them to nominate Fish, but the alphabetic character was misplaced and never read to the convention. Fish afterward confirmed that he would have declined the presidential nomination even if it had been offered to him.

When the 6th Republican National Convention assembled in Cincinnati, Ohio, on June xiv, 1876, James G. Blaine appeared to be the presidential nominee. On the first ballot, Blaine was just 100 votes short of a bulk. His vote began to slide after the second ballot, nevertheless, equally many Republicans feared that Blaine could not win the full general election. Anti-Blaine delegates could not agree on a candidate until his full rose to 41% on the sixth ballot. Leaders of the reform Republicans met privately and considered alternatives. They chose the reforming Ohio Governor Rutherford B. Hayes, who had been gradually building support during the convention until he finished 2d on the sixth ballot. On the seventh ballot, Hayes was nominated for president with 384 votes, compared to 351 for Blaine and 21 for Benjamin Bristow. New York Representative William A. Wheeler was nominated for vice president past a much larger margin (366–89) over his chief rival, Frederick Theodore Frelinghuysen, who later served as a member of the Balloter Commission, which awarded the ballot to Hayes.

Presidential Ballot
Ballot 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
James Chiliad. Blaine 285 296 293 292 286 308 351
Oliver P. Morton 124 120 113 108 95 85 0
Benjamin Bristow 113 114 121 126 114 111 21
Roscoe Conkling 99 93 90 84 82 81 0
Rutherford B. Hayes 61 64 67 68 104 113 384
John F. Hartranft 58 63 68 71 69 50 0
Marshall Jewell 11 0 0 0 0 0 0
William A. Wheeler 3 three 2 ii 2 2 0
Elihu B. Washburne 0 1 one 3 3 four 0

Republican Presidential Nomination Vote past State Delegation Past Ballot

Vice Presidential Ballot [6]
Ballot 1st Partial
William A. Wheeler 366
Frederick T. Frelinghuysen 89
Marshall Jewell 86
Stewart L. Woodford 70
Joseph R. Hawley 25

Republican Vice Presidential Nomination Vote by Country Delegation

Autonomous Political party nomination [edit]

1876 Democratic Party ticket
Samuel J. Tilden Thomas A. Hendricks
for President for Vice President


Thomas Andrews Hendricks.jpg

Governor of New York
Governor of Indiana

Democratic candidates:

  • Samuel J. Tilden, governor of New York
  • Thomas A. Hendricks, governor of Indiana
  • Winfield Scott Hancock, United States Army major general from Pennsylvania
  • William Allen, one-time governor of Ohio
  • Thomas F. Bayard, U.Southward. senator from Delaware
  • Joel Parker, old governor of New Jersey

Interior of the Merchants Exchange Edifice of St. Louis, Missouri, during the announcement of Samuel J. Tilden as the Autonomous presidential nominee

The 12th Democratic National Convention assembled in St. Louis, Missouri, in June 1876, which was the outset political convention ever held by ane of the major American parties west of the Mississippi River. There were 5000 people jammed the auditorium in St. Louis and hopes for the Democratic Political party's kickoff presidential victory in twenty years. The platform chosen for immediate and sweeping reforms in response to the scandals that had plagued the Grant assistants. Tilden won more than than 400 votes on the commencement election and the presidential nomination by a landslide on the second.

Tilden defeated Thomas A. Hendricks, Winfield Scott Hancock, William Allen, Thomas F. Bayard, and Joel Parker for the presidential nomination. Tilden overcame strong opposition from "Honest John" Kelly, the leader of New York'southward Tammany Hall, to obtain the presidential nomination. Thomas Hendricks was nominated for vice president since he was the only person to put frontward for that position.

The Autonomous platform pledged to replace the corruption of the Grant administration with honest, efficient government and to end "the rapacity of carpetbag tyrannies" in the South. It also called for treaty protection for naturalized United States citizens visiting their homelands, restrictions on Asian immigration, tariff reform, and opposition to state grants for railroads.[seven] Information technology has been claimed that the voting Democrats received Tilden's presidential nomination with more enthusiasm than any leader since Andrew Jackson.[8]

Presidential Ballot
1st Earlier Shifts 1st Afterward Shifts 2d Earlier Shifts 2nd After Shifts Unanimous
Samuel J. Tilden 400.5 416.5 535 517 738
Thomas A. Hendricks 139.five 139.5 85 87
Winfield Scott Hancock 75 75 58 58
William Allen 54 54 54 54
Thomas F. Bayard 33 33 4 four
Joel Parker 18 18 0 xviii
James Broadhead 16 0 0 0
Allen G. Thurman two 2 ii 0

Democratic Presidential Nomination Vote by Country Delegation Past Ballot

Source: Official proceedings of the National Democratic convention, held in St. Louis, Mo., June 27th, 28th and 29th, 1876. (September 3, 2012).

Vice Presidential Election
Thomas A. Hendricks 730
Blank 8

Source: Official proceedings of the National Autonomous convention, held in St. Louis, Mo., June 27th, 28th and 29th, 1876 (September 3, 2012).

Greenback Party nomination [edit]

Greenback candidates:

  • Peter Cooper, U.S. philanthropist from New York
  • Andrew Curtin, onetime governor of Pennsylvania
  • William Allen, former governor of Ohio
  • Alexander Campbell, U.Southward. representative from Illinois

Candidates gallery [edit]

The Greenback Party had been organized by agronomical interests in Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1874 to urge the federal regime to inflate the economy through the mass issuance of paper coin chosen greenbacks. Its offset national nominating convention was held in Indianapolis in the leap of 1876. Peter Cooper was nominated for president with 352 votes to 119 for three other contenders. The convention nominated Anti-Monopolist Senator Newton Booth of California for vice president. After Booth declined to run, the national committee chose Samuel Fenton Cary equally his replacement on the ticket.[ix]

Presidential Ballot
Ballot 1st
Peter Cooper 352
Andrew Curtin 58
William Allen 31
Alexander Campbell thirty

Source: Us President – Thou Convention. Our Campaigns. (February 10, 2012).

Prohibition Party nomination [edit]

The Prohibition Party, in its second national convention in Cleveland, nominated Green Clay Smith every bit its presidential candidate and Gideon T. Stewart equally its vice presidential candidate.

American National Political party nomination [edit]

This pocket-size political party used several different names, often with different names in dissimilar states. It was a continuation of the Anti-Masonic Party that met in 1872 and nominated Charles Francis Adams, Sr., for president. When Adams declined to run, the party did not contest the 1872 election.

The convention was held from June 8 to 10, 1875 in Freedom Hall, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. B.T. Roberts of New York served as chairman, and Jonathan Blanchard was the keynote speaker.

The platform supported the Reconstruction Amendments to the Constitution, international arbitration, the reading of the scriptures in public schools, specie payments, justice for Native Americans, abolition of the Electoral College, and prohibition of the sale of alcoholic beverages. It declared the first day of the week to be a 24-hour interval of rest for the United States. The platform opposed hush-hush societies and monopolies.

The convention considered three potential presidential candidates: Charles F. Adams, Jonathan Blanchard, and James B. Walker. When Blanchard declined to run, Walker was unanimously nominated for president. The convention so nominated Donald Kirkpatrick of New York unanimously for vice president.[10]

Full general election [edit]

Campaign [edit]

The ballot was hotly contested, every bit can be seen past this affiche, which was published in 1877.

A certificate for the electoral vote for Rutherford B. Hayes and William A. Wheeler for the State of Louisiana

"A truce – non a compromise, but a chance for high-toned gentlemen to retire gracefully from their very ceremonious declarations of war." By Thomas Nast in Harper'south Weekly, 1877 Feb 17, p. 132.

Tilden, who had prosecuted machine politicians in New York and sent the legendary political boss William M. Tweed to jail, ran equally a reform candidate confronting the background of the abuse of the Grant administration. Both parties backed ceremonious service reform and an end to Reconstruction. Both sides mounted mudslinging campaigns, with Autonomous attacks on Republican abuse being countered past Republicans raising the Civil War result, a tactic that was ridiculed by Democrats, who chosen information technology "waving the encarmine shirt." Republicans chanted, "Not every Democrat was a rebel, merely every rebel was a Democrat."

Hayes was a virtual unknown outside his home state of Ohio, where he had served 2 terms equally a representative and then two terms every bit governor. Henry Adams called Hayes "a third-rate nonentity whose simply recommendations are that he is obnoxious to no i." Hayes had served in the Civil War with stardom as colonel of the 23rd Ohio Regiment and was wounded several times, which made him marketable to veterans. He had subsequently been brevetted as a major-full general. His most important asset was his help to the Republican ticket in carrying Ohio, a crucial swing state. On the other side, the newspaperman John D. Defrees described Tilden as "a very overnice, prim, little, withered-up, fidgety sometime bachelor, about one-hundred and twenty-pounds avoirdupois, who never had a genuine impulse for many nor any affection for adult female."[11]

The Autonomous strategy for victory in the South was highly reliant on paramilitary groups such as the Ruby-red Shirts and the White League. Using the strategy of the Mississippi Program, the groups actively suppressed both black and white Republican voter turnouts by disrupting meetings and rallies and even using violence and intimidation.[12] [13] They saw themselves equally the military wing of the Democratic Party.

Because it was considered improper for a candidate to pursue the presidency actively, neither Tilden nor Hayes actively stumped as part of the entrada and left that duty to their surrogates.

Colorado [edit]

Colorado was admitted to the Union as the 38th state on Baronial 1, 1876, just since there was insufficient fourth dimension or money to organize a presidential ballot in the new state, Colorado'south land legislature, elected in October 1876, selected the state'due south iii Electoral Higher electors," with each getting 50 votes in the legislature to Tilden's slate, which got only 24 votes. (Many of those Oct 1876 legislative races had been decided past merely a few hundred votes.)[14] Those electors gave their three votes to Hayes and the Republican Party.[xv] [sixteen] That was the last election in which any state chose electors through its land legislature, rather than by popular vote.[17]

Balloter disputes and Compromise of 1877 [edit]

Florida (with iv electoral votes), Louisiana (with eight), and South Carolina (with vii) reported returns that favored Tilden, but the elections in each land were marked by electoral fraud and threats of violence against Republican voters. The about farthermost case was in South Carolina, where an impossible 101 percent of all eligible voters in the state had their votes counted,[xviii] and an estimated 150 blackness Republicans were murdered.[19] One of the points of contention revolved around the pattern of ballots. At the fourth dimension, parties would print ballots or "tickets" to enable voters to support them in the open ballots. To assist illiterate voters, the parties would print symbols on the tickets, and in this ballot, many Democratic ballots were printed with the Republican symbol of Abraham Lincoln on them.[xx] The Republican-dominated state balloter commissions afterward rejected plenty Autonomous votes to laurels their balloter votes to Hayes.

In two Southern states, the governor recognized by the U.s.a. had signed the Republican certificates: the Democratic certificates from Florida were signed by the state chaser-general and the newly-elected Democratic governor. Those from Louisiana were signed by the Autonomous gubernatorial candidate and those from South Carolina by no state official. The Tilden electors in S Carolina claimed that they had been called past the popular vote although they were rejected by the land election board.[21]

Meanwhile, in Oregon, the vote of a single elector was disputed. The statewide result clearly favored Hayes, but the state's Democratic governor, La Fayette Grover, claimed that i of the Republican electors, Ex-Postmaster John Watts, was ineligible under Article Ii, Department 1, of the United States Constitution since he had been a "person holding an office of trust or profit nether the Usa." Grover substituted a Democratic elector in Watts's place.

The two Republican electors dismissed Grover's action and reported three votes for Hayes. However, the Democratic elector, C. A. Cronin, reported ane vote for Tilden and two votes for Hayes. The two Republican electors presented a document signed by the secretary of state of Oregon, and Cronin and the two electors whom he appointed (Cronin voted for Tilden while his assembly voted for Hayes) presented a certificate signed by the governor and attested by the secretarial assistant of state.[21]

Ultimately, all iii of Oregon'southward votes were awarded to Hayes, who had a bulk of 1 in the Electoral College. The Democrats claimed fraud, and suppressed excitement pervaded the country. Threats were even muttered that Hayes would never exist inaugurated. In Columbus, Ohio, a shot was fired at Hayes's residence as he saturday down to dinner. After supporters marched to his domicile to telephone call for the President, Hayes urged the crowd that "information technology is impossible, at and so early a fourth dimension, to obtain the result."[22] Grant quietly strengthened the military force in and around Washington.[21]

The Constitution provides that "the President of the Senate shall, in presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the [electoral] certificates, and the votes shall and then exist counted." The Republicans held that the power to count the votes lay with the President of the Senate, with the House and Senate being mere spectators. The Democrats objected to that structure, since the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, the Republican Thomas W. Ferry, could then count the votes of the disputed states for Hayes.

The Democrats insisted that Congress should go along the do followed since 1865: no vote objected to should exist counted except by the concurrence of both houses. Since the House had a solid Democratic majority, rejecting the vote of one state, nevertheless, would elect Tilden.[21]

Facing an unprecedented ramble crisis, the Congress passed a constabulary on January 29, 1877 to class a fifteen-member Electoral Committee, which would settle the result. 5 members were selected from each house of Congress, and they were joined by five members of the U.s. Supreme Courtroom, with William 1000. Evarts serving as counsel for the Republican Party. The Compromise of 1877 might be a reason for the Democrats accepting the Electoral Commission.

The bulk party in each house named three members and the minority political party two members. As the Republicans controlled the Senate and the Democrats controlled the House of Representatives, that yielded five Autonomous and five Republican members of the commission. Of the Supreme Court justices, two Republicans and ii Democrats were chosen, with the fifth to exist selected by those iv.

The justices first selected the independent Justice David Davis. Co-ordinate to i historian, "No 1, peradventure not even Davis himself, knew which presidential candidate he preferred."[22] Just every bit the Electoral Commission Bill was passing Congress, the Illinois Legislature elected Davis to the Senate, and Democrats in the legislature believed that they had purchased Davis's support by voting for him. Still, they had miscalculated, as Davis promptly excused himself from the commission and resigned as a Justice to take his Senate seat.[23] Since all of the remaining available Justices were Republicans, they had already selected Justice Joseph P. Bradley, who was considered the nigh impartial remaining member of the court. That selection proved decisive.

Results by canton explicitly indicating the percentage of the winning candidate in each county. Shades of bluish are for Tilden (Autonomous), and shades of reddish are for Hayes (Republican).

Since information technology was drawing perilously nearly to Inauguration 24-hour interval, the commission met on Jan 31. Each of the disputed state election cases (Florida, Louisiana, Oregon, and Southward Carolina) was respectively submitted to the commission by Congress. Eminent counsel appeared for each side, and there were double sets of returns from every one of the states named.[21]

The commission first decided not to question any returns that were prima facie lawful.[21] Bradley then joined the other seven Republican committee members in a series of 8–7 votes that gave all 20 disputed electoral votes to Hayes, which gave Hayes a 185–184 electoral vote victory. The commission adjourned on March 2. Hayes privately took the oath of part the next twenty-four hours and was publicly sworn into office on March 5, 1877, and Hayes was inaugurated without disturbance.[21]

During intense airtight-door meetings, Democratic leaders agreed reluctantly to take Hayes as President in return for the withdrawal of federal troops from the terminal two Southern states that were still occupied: South Carolina and Louisiana. Republican leaders in return agreed on a number of handouts and entitlements, including federal subsidies for a transcontinental railroad line through the Due south. Although some of the promises were not kept, especially the railroad proposal, that was enough for the fourth dimension being to avert a dangerous collision.

The returns accepted by the Commission put Hayes'southward margin of victory in South Carolina at 889 votes, the second-closest popular vote margin in a decisive state in U.S. history, later on the ballot of 2000, which was decided past 537 votes in Florida. In 2000, the margin of victory in the Electoral College for George W. Bush was five votes, as opposed to Hayes' one vote.

Upon his defeat, Tilden said, "I can retire to public life with the consciousness that I shall receive from posterity the credit of having been elected to the highest position in the gift of the people, without any of the cares and responsibilities of the office."

Congress would eventually enact the Balloter Count Act in 1887 to provide more detailed rules for the counting of electoral votes, particularly in cases of multiple slates of electors being received from a single land.

Results [edit]

According to the commission'south rulings, of the two,249 counties and independent cities making returns, Tilden won in 1,301 (57.85%), and Hayes carried only 947 (42.11%). 1 county (0.04%) in Nevada divide evenly between Tilden and Hayes.

The Greenback ticket did non have a major impact on the ballot's outcome by alluring slightly under one percent of the popular vote, Cooper nonetheless had the strongest performance of whatever third-party presidential candidate since John Bell in 1860. The Greenbacks' best showings were in Kansas, where Cooper earned just over 6 percent of the vote, and in Indiana, where he earned 17,207 votes, which far exceeded Tilden'southward margin of victory of roughly 5,500 votes over Hayes in that state.

The election of 1876 was the final one held before the end of the Reconstruction era, which sought to protect the rights of African Americans in the South, who usually voted for Republican presidential candidates. No antebellum slave state would be carried past a Republican again until the 1896 realignment, which saw William McKinley carry Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, and Kentucky.

No Republican presidential candidate until Warren G. Harding in 1920 would carry any states that seceded and joined the Confederacy. That year, he carried Tennessee, which had never experienced a long period of occupation past federal troops and had been completely "reconstructed" well before the offset presidential election of the Reconstruction period (1868). None of the Southern states that experienced long periods of occupation past federal troops was carried by a Republican once more until Herbert Hoover in 1928, when he won Texas, Florida, N Carolina, and Virginia, and that proved the last election in which the Republican candidate won Louisiana until 1956, when it was carried by Dwight D. Eisenhower, and the concluding in which the Republican candidate won Southward Carolina until 1964, when Barry Goldwater did.

The next fourth dimension those 2 states voted against the Democrats was their support of the "Dixiecrat" candidate Strom Thurmond in 1948.

Although 1876 marked the final competitive two-political party election in the Southward before the Democratic potency of the South until 1948 and that to of the Border States until 1896, it was also the final presidential election (as of 2020) in which the Democrats won the wartime Unionist Mitchell County, N Carolina;[24] Wayne County, Tennessee; and Henderson County, Tennessee; and Lewis County, Kentucky.[25] Hayes was besides the only Republican president e'er to be elected who failed to carry Indiana.

United States Electoral College 1876.svg

Electoral results
Presidential candidate Party Home land Popular vote[26] Electoral
Running mate
Count Percentage Vice-presidential candidate Domicile country Electoral vote[27]
Rutherford Birchard Hayes Republican Ohio four,034,142 47.92% 185 William Almon Wheeler New York 185
Samuel Jones Tilden Autonomous New York iv,286,808 fifty.92% 184 Thomas Andrews Hendricks Indiana 184
Peter Cooper Greenback New York 83,726 0.99% 0 Samuel Fenton Cary Ohio 0
Light-green Clay Smith Prohibition Washington, D.C. 6,945 0.08% 0 Gideon Tabor Stewart Ohio 0
James Walker American National Party Illinois 463 0.01% 0 Donald Kirkpatrick New York 0
Other 6,575 0.08% Other
Full 8,418,659 100% 369 369
Needed to win 185 185
Popular vote
Tilden 50.92%
Hayes 47.92%
Cooper 0.99%
Others 0.17%
Electoral vote
Hayes fifty.14%
Tilden 49.86%

Geography of results [edit]

1876 Electoral Map.png

Cartographic gallery [edit]

Results by state [edit]

Source: Data from Walter Dean Burnham, Presidential ballots, 1836–1892 (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1955) pp 247–57.[28]

Samuel J. Tilden
Rutherford B. Hayes
Peter Cooper
Green Smith
Margin State Total
State electoral
# % electoral
# % electoral
# % electoral
# % balloter
# % electoral
Alabama x 102,989 59.98 10 68,708 forty.02 −34,281 −19.97 171,699 AL
Arkansas 6 58,086 59.92 vi 38,649 39.87 211 0.22 −19,437 −xx.05 96,946 AR
California 6 76,460 49.08 79,258 50.88 six 47 0.03 two,798 i.lxxx 155,784 CA
Colorado* 3 3 CO
Connecticut 6 61,927 50.lxx vi 59,033 48.33 774 0.63 374 0.31 −ii,894 −2.37 122,134 CT
Delaware iii thirteen,381 55.45 three 10,752 44.55 −2,629 −10.89 24,133 DE
Florida four 22,927 49.01 23,849 50.99 4 922 ane.97 46,776 FL
Georgia 11 130,157 72.03 11 50,533 27.97 −79,624 −44.07 180,690 GA
Illinois 21 258,611 46.66 278,232 50.xx 21 17,207 three.x 19,621 3.54 554,227 IL
Indiana xv 213,526 48.65 fifteen 208,011 47.39 17,233 3.93 141 0.03 −5,515 −1.26 438,911 IN
Iowa eleven 112,121 38.28 171,326 58.50 11 9,431 iii.22 59,205 20.21 292,878 IA
Kansas 5 37,902 xxx.53 78,324 63.10 v seven,770 half-dozen.26 110 0.09 40,422 32.56 124,134 KS
Kentucky 12 160,060 61.41 12 97,568 37.44 −62,492 −23.98 260,626 KY
Louisiana 8 70,508 48.35 75,315 51.65 8 iv,807 3.30 145,823 LA
Maine seven 49,917 42.65 66,300 56.64 7 16,383 14.00 117,045 ME
Maryland 8 91,779 56.05 viii 71,980 43.95 −nineteen,799 −12.09 163,759 Physician
Massachusetts 13 108,777 41.90 150,064 57.80 thirteen 41,287 fifteen.90 259,620 MA
Michigan eleven 141,685 44.49 166,901 52.41 xi nine,023 2.83 766 0.24 25,216 7.92 318,450 MI
Minnesota 5 48,587 39.16 72,955 58.eighty 5 two,389 1.93 144 0.12 24,368 19.64 124,075 MN
Mississippi eight 112,173 68.08 8 52,603 31.92 −59,570 −36.15 164,776 MS
Missouri xv 202,086 57.64 15 145,027 41.36 3,497 1.00 −57,059 −16.27 350,610 MO
Nebraska iii 17,413 35.30 31,915 64.lxx 3 14,502 29.xl 49,328 NE
Nevada 3 9,308 47.27 10,383 52.73 iii 1,075 5.46 19,691 NV
New Hampshire 5 38,510 48.05 41,540 51.83 v iii,030 3.78 80,141 NH
New Jersey 9 115,962 52.66 ix 103,517 47.01 714 0.32 −12,445 −5.65 220,193 NJ
New York 35 521,949 51.forty 35 489,207 48.17 1,978 0.19 2,369 0.23 −32,742 −3.22 i,015,503 NY
North Carolina ten 125,427 53.62 10 108,484 46.38 −16,943 −7.24 233,911 NC
Ohio 22 323,182 49.07 330,698 50.21 22 3,057 0.46 1,636 0.25 7,516 1.14 658,649 OH
Oregon 3 14,157 47.38 fifteen,214 50.92 3 510 1.71 1,057 3.54 29,881 OR
Pennsylvania 29 366,204 48.25 384,184 50.62 29 vii,204 0.95 1,318 0.17 17,980 2.37 758,993 PA
Rhode Isle 4 10,712 40.23 15,787 59.29 iv 68 0.26 sixty 0.23 five,075 19.06 26,627 RI
South Carolina vii 90,897 49.76 91,786 50.24 7 889 0.49 182,683 SC
Tennessee 12 133,177 59.79 12 89,566 40.21 −43,611 −19.58 222,743 TN
Texas 8 104,755 lxx.04 viii 44,800 29.96 −59,955 −40.09 149,555 TX
Vermont 5 twenty,254 31.38 44,091 68.30 5 23,837 36.93 64,553 VT
Virginia 11 140,770 59.58 xi 95,518 40.42 −45,252 −19.15 236,288 VA
Due west Virginia 5 56,546 56.75 v 41,997 42.15 one,104 1.11 −14,549 −14.60 99,647 WV
Wisconsin 10 123,926 48.nineteen 130,067 50.57 10 1,509 0.59 27 0.01 6,141 ii.39 257,177 WI
TOTALS: 369 4,286,808 50.92 184 4,034,142 47.92 185 83,726 0.99 half-dozen,945 0.08 -252,666 -three.00 8,418,659 US

Close states [edit]

Margin of victory less than 1% (7 electoral votes):

  1. South Carolina, 0.49% (889 votes) (tipping point state)

Margin of victory less betwixt 1% and v% (164 electoral votes):

  1. Ohio, one.14% (7,516 votes)
  2. Indiana, 1.26% (5,515 votes)
  3. California, ane.eighty% (2,798 votes)
  4. Florida, 1.97% (922 votes)
  5. Pennsylvania, 2.37% (17,980 votes)
  6. Connecticut, 2.37% (2,894 votes)
  7. Wisconsin, two.39% (6,141 votes)
  8. New York, 3.22% (32,742 votes)
  9. Louisiana, 3.30% (4,807 votes)
  10. Oregon, 3.54% (1,057 votes)
  11. Illinois, 3.54% (xix,621 votes)
  12. New Hampshire, 3.78% (3,030 votes)

Margin of victory between 5% and 10% (33 balloter votes):

  1. Nevada, 5.46% (1,075 votes)
  2. New Jersey, v.65% (12,445 votes)
  3. N Carolina, 7.24% (16,943 votes)
  4. Michigan, seven.92% (25,216 votes)

Cultural references [edit]

  • The presidential election of 1876 is a major theme of Gore Vidal's novel 1876.

Encounter also [edit]

  • American election campaigns in the 19th century
  • History of the United States (1865–1918)
  • Inauguration of Rutherford B. Hayes
  • 1876 United States House of Representatives elections
  • 1876 and 1877 U.s.a. Senate elections
  • Third Party System

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b Between 1828–1928: "Voter Turnout in Presidential Elections: 1828 – 2008". The American Presidency Project. University of California, Santa Barbara. Retrieved November 9, 2012.
  2. ^ Between 1932 and 2008: "Table 397. Participation in Elections for President and U.S. Representatives: 1932 to 2010" (PDF). U.S. Demography Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2012. U.S. Census Bureau. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 24, 2012. Retrieved February 7, 2013.
  3. ^ Presidential ballot of 1876
  4. ^ "Was Grant a candidate?". Archived from the original on February 10, 2018. Retrieved June 30, 2014.
  5. ^ "The Twice and Future President: Ramble Interstices and the Xx-2nd Amendment" (PDF). University of Minnesota Constabulary School. Retrieved July 7, 2021.
  6. ^ "Proceedings of the Republican national convention, held at Cincinnati, Ohio ... June fourteen, xv, and 16, 1876 .. : Republican political party. National convention. 6th, Cincinnati, 1876 : Complimentary Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive". Concord, NH, Republic Press Association. 1876. Retrieved July 7, 2021.
  7. ^ DeGregorio, William (1997). The Complete Book of U.Due south. Presidents . New York: Gramercy. ISBN0-517-18353-half-dozen.
  8. ^ They Also Ran
  9. ^ Smith, Joseph Patterson (1898). History of the Republican Party in Ohio. Vol. I. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. p. 352. Retrieved May xix, 2018.
  10. ^ "U.s.a. President – American National Convention Race – Jun 08, 1875". Our Campaigns. June 21, 2010. Retrieved February 17, 2014.
  11. ^ Holt, Michael F., Past 1 Vote, University Printing of Kansas, 2008, pg. 129
  12. ^ The vehement origin of the term bulldoze as a means of intimidation came from this election. To "bulldose" or "bulldoze" meant to intimidate by violent means, sometimes by whipping or flogging. Bulldozing was used by some groups of Republicans and Democrats around the country to intimidate political opponents and to intimidate African Americans in the South, especially in Louisiana.
  13. ^ Kelly, John. "What in the Discussion?! The racist roots of 'bulldozer'". Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University Press. Retrieved Oct 21, 2018.
  14. ^ Smiley, Jerome Constant (1913). Semi-centennial History of the Country of Colorado Volume 1. Brookhaven Press. p. 488. ISBN978-1-4035-0045-8 . Retrieved January 22, 2021.
  15. ^ Kleinfeld, Due north. R. (November 12, 2000). "COUNTING THE VOTE: THE HISTORY; President Tilden? No, just Nigh, in Some other Vote That Dragged On". The New York Times.
  16. ^ Dill, R.M. (1895). The Political Campaigns of Colorado. Arapahoe Publishing Company, John Dove. p. 27. Retrieved January 22, 2021.
  17. ^ Schalit, Naomi (Oct 1, 2020). "Could a few state legislatures cull the next president?". The Chat . Retrieved Nov 2, 2020.
  18. ^ Holt, Michael F, Past One Vote, Academy Press of Kansas, 2008, pp. 167, 255
  19. ^ Nicholas Lemann, Redemption: The Final Battle of the Civil War, New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux, Paperback, 2007, p.174
  20. ^ "Flashback to 1876: History repeats itself". BBC News. London. Dec 12, 2000. Retrieved November 28, 2006.
  21. ^ a b c d e f chiliad Andrews, Due east. Benjamin (1912). History of the United States. Charles Scribner's Sons.
  22. ^ a b Morris, Roy, Jr. (2003). Fraud of the Century: Rutherford B. Hayes, Samuel Tilden and the Stolen Ballot of 1876. New York: Simon and Schuster, pp. 168, 239. ISBN 978-0-7432-5552-3
  23. ^ "Hayes v. Tilden: The Balloter Higher Controversy of 1876–1877." Archived February twenty, 2006, at the Wayback Machine HarpWeek
  24. ^ The Political Graveyard; Mitchell County, Northward Carolina
  25. ^ Sullivan, Robert David; 'How the Red and Blueish Map Evolved Over the Past Century'; America Magazine in The National Catholic Review; June 29, 2016
  26. ^ Leip, David. "1876 Presidential Election Results". Dave Leip's Atlas of U.South. Presidential Elections . Retrieved July 27, 2005.
  27. ^ "Electoral College Box Scores 1789–1996". National Archives and Records Administration. Retrieved July 31, 2005.
  28. ^ "1876 Presidential Full general Ballot Information – National". Retrieved May seven, 2013.

Sources [edit]

  • Appleton's Annual Cyclopedia ...for 1876 (1885), comprehensive world coverage
  • John Bigelow, Author, Edited by, Nikki Oldaker, The Life of Samuel J. Tilden. (2009 Revised edition-retype-set-new photos). 444 pages, ISBN 978-0-9786698-1-2 original 1895 edition
  • Holt, Michael F. By One Vote: The Disputed Presidential Election of 1876. (2008). 304 pages, ISBN 978-0-7006-1608-4
  • Flick, Alexander C. (1939). Samuel J. Tilden — A Report In Political Sagacity.
  • Foley, Edward. 2016. Ballot Battles: The History of Disputed Elections in the U.s.. Oxford University Press.
  • Haworth, Paul Leland (1906). The Hayes-Tilden Disputed Presidential Election of 1876. Burrows Brothers Company. Entrada Text Book.
  • Hoogenboom, Ari (1995). Rutherford B. Hayes: Warrior and President. ISBN0-7006-0641-6.
  • Morris, Roy, Jr. (2004). Fraud Of The Century: Rutherford B. Hayes, Samuel Tilden And The Stolen Election Of 1876.
  • Polakoff, Keith Ian (1973). The Politics of Inertia: The Ballot of 1876 and the End of Reconstruction.
  • Rehnquist, William H. (2004). The Centennial Crisis: The Disputed Ballot of 1876 . Knopf Publishing Grouping. ISBN0-375-41387-1. , popular account
  • Summers, Marker Wahlgren.The Printing Gang: Newspapers and Politics, 1865-1878 (1994)
  • Summers, Mark Wahlgren. The Era of Good Stealings (1993), covers abuse 1868-1877
  • Richard White, "Corporations, Corruption, and the Modern Lobby: A Golden Age Story of the West and the Southward in Washington, D.C." Southern Spaces, Apr 16, 2009
  • Woodward, C. Vann (1951). Reunion and Reaction: The Compromise of 1877 and the End of Reconstruction.

Master sources [edit]

  • Autonomous National Committee (1876). The Campaign Text Book: Why the People Want a Change. The Republican Party Reviewed…. National Democratic committee. p. 1. Colfax massacre.
  • Chester, Edward W A guide to political platforms (1977) online
  • Porter, Kirk H. and Donald Bruce Johnson, eds. National party platforms, 1840-1964 (1965) online 1840-1956

External links [edit]

  • Baker, Peter (Jan 6, 2021). "You Think This Is Chaos? The Election of 1876 Was Worse". New York Times . Retrieved January 6, 2021.
  • Hayes Presidential Library with essays past historians
  • Presidential Election of 1876: A Resource Guide from the Library of Congress
  • Rutherford B. Hayes On The Ballot of 1876: Original Alphabetic character Shapell Manuscript Foundation
  • 1876 pop vote past counties
  • Hayes vs. Tilden: The Electoral College Controversy of 1876–1877
  • How close was the 1876 election? at the Wayback Motorcar (archived August 25, 2012) — Michael Sheppard, Massachusetts Constitute of Technology
  • Election of 1876 in Counting the Votes Archived December xviii, 2019, at the Wayback Machine


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1876_United_States_presidential_election

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